The Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning & Combinations
What does The Three of Swords Mean in a Tarot Reading, and what are its combinations?
Keywords for the Three of Swords Tarot Card (Upright): Heartbreak, Pain, Betrayal, Sorrow, Loss, Grief, Separation.
Keywords for the Three of Swords Tarot Card (Reversed): Healing, Recovery, Release, Forgiveness, Moving on, Closure.
Image Description and Symbolism of the Three of Swords Tarot Card: The Three of Swords depicts three swords piercing a heart-shaped cloud, symbolizing deep sorrow and grief.
Three of Swords - Rider Waite Version
The Three of Swords Tarot Card Upright General Meaning: The Three of Swords represents heartbreak, pain, and sorrow, a time of emotional turmoil and grief. It reminds us to acknowledge our pain, heal, and find strength.
The Reversed Three of Swords Meaning: In reverse, the Three of Swords signifies healing, recovery, and closure. It encourages forgiveness and emotional growth.
Zodiac Sign Associated with the Three of Swords Tarot Card: The Three of Swords is not directly linked to a zodiac sign but resonates with Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Aide Memoir for the Three of Swords Tarot Card: Visualize a heart, surrounded by three swords piercing it. Each sword has a word written on it: "Betrayal," "Loss," and "Turmoil." This image represents the core meanings of the Three of Swords - heartache caused by betrayal, loss, and inner turmoil.
Meaning of the Three of Swords for the Future: The Three of Swords suggests future heartbreak or emotional pain. Focus on self-care and healing for resolution and growth.
Meaning of the Three of Swords for the Past: Reflecting on the past, the Three of Swords indicates heartbreak, loss, and challenges that shape our experiences.
Three of Swords Tarot Meaning for Existing Relationships: In relationships, the Three of Swords represents heartbreak and conflicts. Open communication and healing are essential.
Meaning of the Three of Swords for Raising Children: Parents must create a supportive environment for children to cope with heartbreak and loss, offering comfort and guidance.
Three of Swords Tarot Meaning for Romance if Single: For singles, the Three of Swords suggests healing before seeking new connections. Embrace self-reflection and personal growth.
Meaning of the Three of Swords on Where to Go to Find Love: Finding love requires emotional healing and self-care. Engage in joyful activities that promote well-being.
The Three of Swords as an Advice on Dress Sense: Express yourself and find emotional comfort through your clothing. Embrace your style and reflect your healing journey.
Advice from the Three of Swords Regarding Worries about Your Appearance: Prioritize emotional healing over appearance. Nurture self-acceptance and recognize that true beauty comes from within.
The Three of Swords Tarot as Love Feelings – How Someone Sees You: Others may perceive you as someone who has experienced heartbreak, acknowledging your strength in overcoming challenges.
The Three of Swords Tarot Meaning for Reconciliation with an Ex: Reconciliation with an ex may not be beneficial due to past pain and conflicts. Focus on personal healing and growth.
Meaning of the Three of Swords for Mending Broken Relationships: Mend broken relationships by addressing emotional pain and conflicts. Seek understanding, healing, and forgiveness.
Three of Swords Tarot Meaning for Career: The Three of Swords suggests emotional distress in your career. Take time to heal, reassess goals, and seek support.
Three of Swords Tarot Meaning for Business Owners: Business owners should prepare for setbacks and address emotional challenges. Emphasize resilience and adaptability.
Meaning of the Three of Swords for Finance: The Three of Swords warns of potential financial setbacks. Manage finances cautiously and prioritize emotional well-being.
Three of Swords Tarot Meaning for Health: Emotional pain can impact overall well-being. Prioritize self-care, seek support, and find healthy outlets for emotions.
Three of Swords Tarot Meaning for Spirituality: Explore spiritual growth through emotional healing. Practice self-reflection, forgiveness, and compassion.
Actions to Take if you have drawn the Three of Swords:
Acknowledge and express your emotions.
Seek support from trusted individuals.
Engage in self-care for emotional healing.
Practice forgiveness towards others and yourself.
Find joy in activities that distract from pain.
The Three of Swords Tarot as a Person: As a person, the Three of Swords represents someone recovering from heartbreak, carrying emotional scars, and being cautious in forming new connections.
The Three of Swords Tarot as Feelings: Feelings associated with the Three of Swords include deep emotional pain, sorrow, and heartbreak. Seek support and allow yourself to process emotions.
The Three of Swords and its Meaning for You and Your Pet: For you and your pet, the Three of Swords signifies potential emotional distress. Focus on increased emotional care and creating a nurturing environment.
The Three of Swords Meaning from a Feminist's Point of View: From a feminist perspective, the Three of Swords validates women's emotional pain. Emphasize healing, self-care, and inner strength.
A Non-Serious Fun Meaning for the Three of Swords: In a lighthearted sense, the Three of Swords reminds us to find humor and lightness in emotional experiences.
The Three of Swords Tarot, does it mean Yes or No? The Three of Swords does not provide a straightforward yes or no answer. Focus on emotional reflection and processing for resolution. The interpretation depends on the specific question and context.
'The Three of Swords' Tarot Card Combinations
Combining two Tarot cards can offer nuanced interpretations that blend the energies and meanings of the individual cards. Here are the combined meanings for each pair of cards that include 'Three of Swords' tarot card:
Combining the Three of Swords, representing heartache, sorrow, or emotional pain, with each of the Major Arcana cards in tarot readings creates a blend of emotions, challenges, or healing potential. Here are potential interpretations for each combination:
Three of Swords + The Fool: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) intertwined with new beginnings, innocence, or taking a leap of faith (The Fool), suggesting the potential for healing and a fresh start after emotional turmoil.
Three of Swords + The Magician: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with manifestation, potential, or mastery (The Magician), indicating the potential to transform pain into personal empowerment or growth.
Three of Swords + The High Priestess: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) in connection with intuition, hidden knowledge, or mystery (The High Priestess), suggesting the need for introspection or seeking deeper insights to heal from emotional wounds.
Three of Swords + The Empress: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) intertwined with nurturing, creativity, or abundance (The Empress), indicating the potential for emotional healing through self-care or creative expression.
Three of Swords + The Emperor: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) in relation to authority, structure, or control (The Emperor), suggesting the need for establishing emotional boundaries or seeking stability amidst turmoil.
Three of Swords + The Hierophant: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in connection with tradition, guidance, or conformity (The Hierophant), suggesting the potential for healing through spiritual or traditional practices.
Three of Swords + The Lovers: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with choices, partnerships, or relationships (The Lovers), indicating the need for healing in relationships or decisions that bring emotional resolution.
Three of Swords + The Chariot: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) intertwined with determination, control, or progress (The Chariot), suggesting the need for emotional strength to overcome challenges and move forward.
Three of Swords + Strength: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with inner strength, courage, or control (Strength), indicating the potential for healing through resilience and emotional fortitude.
Three of Swords + The Hermit: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in connection with introspection, solitude, or guidance (The Hermit), suggesting the need for introspection or seeking guidance to heal from emotional wounds.
Three of Swords + Wheel of Fortune: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) amidst changes, cycles, or fate (Wheel of Fortune), indicating the potential for emotional healing through accepting and navigating life's ups and downs.
Three of Swords + Justice: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in relation to fairness, balance, or consequences (Justice), suggesting the need for emotional healing through seeking balance or resolution.
Three of Swords + The Hanged Man: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with suspension, perspective shift, or sacrifice (The Hanged Man), suggesting the potential for healing through a change in perspective or letting go.
Three of Swords + Death: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) intertwined with transformation, endings, or letting go (Death), indicating the potential for profound emotional healing through transformative changes.
Three of Swords + Temperance: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) harmonized with moderation, harmony, or patience (Temperance), suggesting the need for balance and patience to heal emotional wounds.
Three of Swords + The Devil: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in connection with bondage, temptation, or unhealthy patterns (The Devil), suggesting the need to break free from emotional entrapment or unhealthy habits to heal.
Three of Swords + The Tower: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) amidst sudden change, upheaval, or realization (The Tower), indicating the potential for breakthrough and rebuilding after emotional upheaval.
Three of Swords + The Star: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in connection with hope, inspiration, or guidance (The Star), suggesting the potential for healing and finding hope amidst emotional challenges.
Three of Swords + The Moon: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with intuition, dreams, or subconscious (The Moon), indicating the need to navigate emotional turmoil by trusting intuition or understanding hidden emotions.
Three of Swords + The Sun: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in relation to joy, success, or clarity (The Sun), suggesting the potential for emotional healing and finding joy after a period of sadness.
Three of Swords + Judgment: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) intertwined with evaluation, awakening, or rebirth (Judgment), indicating the potential for emotional renewal or healing after self-reflection.
Three of Swords + The World: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with completion, fulfillment, or integration (The World), indicating the potential for emotional healing through closure or reaching a state of emotional wholeness.
Combining the Three of Swords, representing heartache, sorrow, or emotional pain, with the Wands cards, which symbolize action, energy, and passion, creates a fusion that intertwines emotional states with the themes represented by each specific Wands card. Here are potential interpretations for each combination:
Three of Swords + Ace of Wands: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) merged with creative potential, inspired beginnings, or passion (Ace of Wands), suggesting the potential for channeling emotional energy into creative or passionate endeavors for healing.
Three of Swords + Two of Wands: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in partnership with future planning, potential, or decisions (Two of Wands), indicating the need to make decisions that lead to emotional healing and future growth.
Three of Swords + Three of Wands: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) intertwined with expansion, foresight, or exploration (Three of Wands), suggesting the potential for healing through exploring new horizons or emotional growth.
Three of Swords + Four of Wands: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in connection with stability, harmony, or celebration (Four of Wands), indicating the potential for emotional healing through establishing emotional stability or finding joy.
Three of Swords + Five of Wands: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) amidst conflict, competition, or challenges (Five of Wands), suggesting the need for emotional resilience and navigating through emotional conflicts.
Three of Swords + Six of Wands: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with victory, recognition, or success (Six of Wands), indicating the potential for emotional healing through personal success or recognition.
Three of Swords + Seven of Wands: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with perseverance, defense, or determination (Seven of Wands), suggesting the need for emotional resilience and standing up for oneself amidst challenges.
Three of Swords + Eight of Wands: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) intertwined with rapid progress, movement, or communication (Eight of Wands), indicating the potential for emotional healing through swift emotional changes or communication.
Three of Swords + Nine of Wands: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with resilience, strength, or protection (Nine of Wands), suggesting the need for emotional strength and guardedness in healing from emotional wounds.
Three of Swords + Ten of Wands: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) amidst burdens, responsibility, or overwhelm (Ten of Wands), indicating the need to release emotional burdens or seek support for emotional healing.
Three of Swords + Page of Wands: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) meeting enthusiasm, curiosity, or a new message (Page of Wands), suggesting the emergence of new emotional perspectives or ideas for healing.
Three of Swords + Knight of Wands: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with action, adventure, or impulsiveness (Knight of Wands), indicating the need for thoughtful emotional actions or decisions in the healing process.
Three of Swords + Queen of Wands: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) harmonized with confidence, leadership, or passionate energy (Queen of Wands), suggesting the need for emotionally confident decisions for healing.
Three of Swords + King of Wands: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in relation to vision, charisma, or decisive action (King of Wands), indicating the need for emotionally decisive actions or leadership for healing.
Combining the Three of Swords, symbolizing heartache, sorrow, or emotional pain, with the Cups cards representing emotions, relationships, and intuition, offers a blend that intertwines emotional states with the themes depicted in each specific Cups card. Here are potential interpretations for each combination:
Three of Swords + Ace of Cups: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) merged with new emotional beginnings, love, or compassion (Ace of Cups), suggesting the potential for emotional healing and a fresh start in relationships or emotional fulfillment.
Three of Swords + Two of Cups: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in partnership with harmony, connection, or relationships (Two of Cups), indicating the need for healing within relationships or emotional bonds.
Three of Swords + Three of Cups: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) intertwined with celebration, community, or joy (Three of Cups), suggesting the potential for healing through support from friends or finding joy amidst emotional challenges.
Three of Swords + Four of Cups: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with introspection, discontentment, or missed opportunities (Four of Cups), indicating the need to address emotional dissatisfaction or seek emotional fulfillment.
Three of Swords + Five of Cups: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) amidst grief, loss, or disappointment (Five of Cups), suggesting the need for emotional healing and finding ways to move forward from past disappointments.
Three of Swords + Six of Cups: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with nostalgia, innocence, or childhood memories (Six of Cups), indicating the potential for healing through reconnecting with the past or embracing innocence.
Three of Swords + Seven of Cups: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) intertwined with imagination, choices, or illusion (Seven of Cups), suggesting the need to focus on realistic emotional healing amidst emotional confusion.
Three of Swords + Eight of Cups: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in connection with withdrawal, transition, or seeking emotional fulfillment (Eight of Cups), indicating the need to emotionally move on or seek a better emotional state.
Three of Swords + Nine of Cups: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with emotional fulfillment, contentment, or wishes fulfilled (Nine of Cups), suggesting the potential for emotional healing through achieving emotional satisfaction or contentment.
Three of Swords + Ten of Cups: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) amidst emotional fulfillment, harmony, or family happiness (Ten of Cups), indicating the need for healing within family or emotional fulfillment through familial bonds.
Three of Swords + Page of Cups: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) meeting sensitivity, creativity, or a new emotional experience (Page of Cups), suggesting the emergence of new emotional perspectives or creative ways of healing.
Three of Swords + Knight of Cups: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with romantic ideals, charm, or emotional pursuit (Knight of Cups), indicating the need for emotionally driven actions or romantic healing.
Three of Swords + Queen of Cups: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) harmonized with compassion, intuition, or emotional stability (Queen of Cups), suggesting the need for compassionate emotional healing guided by intuition.
Three of Swords + King of Cups: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in relation to emotional balance, control, or wisdom (King of Cups), indicating the need for emotionally wise decisions or leadership for healing.
Combining the Three of Swords, symbolizing heartache, sorrow, or emotional pain, with the Swords cards representing thoughts, intellect, and challenges, creates a fusion that intertwines emotional states with the themes depicted in each specific Swords card. Here are potential interpretations for each combination:
Three of Swords + Ace of Swords: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) merged with mental clarity, truth, or breakthroughs (Ace of Swords), suggesting the potential for emotional healing through mental clarity or revelations.
Three of Swords + Two of Swords: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in partnership with indecision, stalemate, or avoidance (Two of Swords), indicating the need to face emotional challenges or make decisions for healing.
Three of Swords + Four of Swords: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with rest, recovery, or mental recuperation (Four of Swords), indicating the need for emotional healing through rest or seeking peace of mind.
Three of Swords + Five of Swords: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) amidst conflict, loss, or adversity (Five of Swords), suggesting the need to navigate through emotional conflicts or accept losses for healing.
Three of Swords + Six of Swords: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with transition, moving on, or seeking solace (Six of Swords), indicating the potential for emotional healing through transitioning away from emotional pain.
Three of Swords + Seven of Swords: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) intertwined with deception, betrayal, or evasion (Seven of Swords), suggesting the need for emotional clarity amidst deceit or dishonesty for healing.
Three of Swords + Eight of Swords: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in connection with restriction, feeling trapped, or mental anguish (Eight of Swords), indicating the need to free oneself from emotional constraints or self-imposed limitations for healing.
Three of Swords + Nine of Swords: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with anxiety, worry, or fear (Nine of Swords), suggesting the need to address emotional turmoil or anxieties for healing.
Three of Swords + Ten of Swords: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) amidst painful endings, betrayal, or rock bottom (Ten of Swords), indicating the potential for healing after reaching a point of emotional release or acceptance.
Three of Swords + Page of Swords: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) meeting curiosity, investigation, or new ideas (Page of Swords), suggesting the emergence of new perspectives or mental approaches to healing emotional wounds.
Three of Swords + Knight of Swords: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with action, determination, or haste (Knight of Swords), indicating the need for decisive emotional actions or seeking resolution for healing.
Three of Swords + Queen of Swords: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) harmonized with clarity, independence, or logic (Queen of Swords), suggesting the need for emotionally clear decisions guided by logic for healing.
Three of Swords + King of Swords: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in relation to authority, intellect, or mental strength (King of Swords), indicating the need for emotionally wise decisions or leadership for healing.
Combining the Three of Swords, symbolizing heartache, sorrow, or emotional pain, with the Pentacles cards representing material aspects, practicality, and earthly matters, creates a blend that intertwines emotional states with the themes depicted in each specific Pentacles card. Here are potential interpretations for each combination:
Three of Swords + Ace of Pentacles: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) merged with new opportunities, stability, or material beginnings (Ace of Pentacles), suggesting the potential for emotional healing through finding stability or new foundations.
Three of Swords + Two of Pentacles: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in partnership with balancing priorities, juggling tasks, or adaptability (Two of Pentacles), indicating the need to balance emotional well-being amidst life's demands for healing.
Three of Swords + Three of Pentacles: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) intertwined with collaboration, skill development, or teamwork (Three of Pentacles), suggesting the potential for healing through seeking emotional support or cooperation.
Three of Swords + Four of Pentacles: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with possessiveness, stability, or conservatism (Four of Pentacles), indicating the need to release emotional attachment or seek emotional stability for healing.
Three of Swords + Five of Pentacles: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) amidst hardship, financial challenges, or feeling left out (Five of Pentacles), suggesting the need to address emotional struggles or seek support during tough times for healing.
Three of Swords + Six of Pentacles: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with generosity, charity, or balance (Six of Pentacles), indicating the potential for healing through giving or receiving emotional support.
Three of Swords + Seven of Pentacles: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) intertwined with assessment, investment, or patience (Seven of Pentacles), suggesting the need for patience in the healing process or reassessment of emotional states.
Three of Swords + Eight of Pentacles: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in connection with dedication, skill refinement, or craftsmanship (Eight of Pentacles), indicating the need for dedicated emotional work or refining emotional skills for healing.
Three of Swords + Nine of Pentacles: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) combined with independence, luxury, or self-sufficiency (Nine of Pentacles), suggesting the need for emotional independence or self-care for healing.
Three of Swords + Ten of Pentacles: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) amidst wealth, family, or legacy (Ten of Pentacles), indicating the need for healing within family dynamics or emotional fulfillment through familial bonds.
Three of Swords + Page of Pentacles: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) meeting practicality, curiosity, or new opportunities (Page of Pentacles), suggesting the emergence of new emotional perspectives or practical approaches to healing.
Three of Swords + Knight of Pentacles: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) combined with responsibility, reliability, or practicality (Knight of Pentacles), indicating the need for responsible emotional actions or patience for healing.
Three of Swords + Queen of Pentacles: Emotional pain or heartache (Three of Swords) harmonized with nurturing, practicality, or abundance (Queen of Pentacles), suggesting the need for emotionally nurturing decisions or practical self-care for healing.
Three of Swords + King of Pentacles: Heartache or sorrow (Three of Swords) in relation to stability, mastery, or wealth (King of Pentacles), indicating the need for emotionally wise decisions or leadership for healing.