Image Description and Symbolism: The Hanged Man Tarot Card portrays a figure suspended upside down from a tree branch, symbolizing surrender, sacrifice, and a new perspective. This imagery represents the willingness to let go and find enlightenment through surrender.
Upright General Meaning: The Hanged Man signifies surrender, suspension, and gaining a fresh perspective. It prompts you to release control and embrace a different way of viewing situations, reminding you to surrender to the flow of life.
Reversed Meaning: In the reversed position, The Hanged Man suggests resistance to surrender or being stuck in old patterns. It calls for openness to change, letting go of resistance, and embracing a different viewpoint to move forward.
Zodiac Planet Associated with The Hanged Man Tarot Card: The Hanged Man is associated with the energy of Neptune, reflecting intuition, spiritual growth, and surrender.
Aide Memoir for The Hanged Man Tarot Card: Imagine yourself as a seedling surrendering to the earth, embracing the unknown and trusting in the natural cycle of growth.
Meaning of The Hanged Man for the Future: The Hanged Man suggests surrender and gaining a new perspective in the future. Embrace the unknown, let go of control, and trust that a different viewpoint will bring clarity and growth.
Meaning of The Hanged Man for the Past: Reflecting on the past, The Hanged Man represents a period of surrender and gaining a new perspective. Consider how this phase of letting go has influenced your present situation and personal growth.
The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning for Existing Relationships: In existing relationships, The Hanged Man highlights the need for surrender and a shift in perspective. It represents a partner who supports personal growth and is open to seeing things from a different angle. Embrace a new viewpoint for the relationship to evolve.
Meaning for Raising Children: Embody The Hanged Man's qualities when raising children. Teach them the value of surrender, letting go of control, and gaining new perspectives. Encourage them to embrace change and be open to different viewpoints.
The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning for Romance if Single: If you are single, The Hanged Man suggests surrendering to the flow of love and gaining a new perspective on romance. Be open to different types of connections and trust in a fresh outlook.
Meaning of The Hanged Man on Where to Go to Find Love: The Hanged Man advises seeking love in places that encourage surrender and a new perspective. Embrace change, be open to different experiences, and let go of control.
The Hanged Man as Advice on Dress Sense: The Hanged Man advises dressing in a way that reflects your willingness to surrender and embrace change. Choose attire that allows for freedom of movement and reflects open-mindedness. Opt for comfortable and flexible clothing.
Advice Regarding Worries about Your Appearance: Release worries about your appearance and focus on surrendering to your authentic self. Embrace change and gain a new perspective on beauty. Dress in a way that aligns with your evolving sense of self.
The Hanged Man Tarot as Love Feelings – How Someone Sees You: When seen through the lens of The Hanged Man, others perceive you as someone who embraces surrender and seeks new perspectives. They appreciate your openness and value your ability to offer a fresh viewpoint in relationships.
The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning for Reconciliation with an Ex: Reconciliation requires surrendering old patterns and gaining a new perspective. Release resistance, let go of control, and embrace a different outlook for healing and growth.
Meaning for Mending Broken Relationships: When mending a broken relationship, The Hanged Man suggests surrendering old resentments and gaining a new perspective. Be open to seeing things from a different angle, release resistance, and allow for transformation and healing.
The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning for Career: In a career context, The Hanged Man represents a period of suspension and gaining a new perspective. Let go of old ways, surrender control, and be open to innovative ideas. Embrace a different viewpoint for growth.
The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning for Business Owners: For business owners, The Hanged Man advises surrendering to new opportunities and gaining a fresh perspective. Embrace change, let go of old strategies, and be open to different approaches. Trust in the process of transformation and growth.
Meaning for Finance: The Hanged Man suggests surrendering old financial patterns and gaining a new perspective on wealth. Let go of control, be open to different financial strategies, and trust in the flow of abundance. Embrace a new outlook on money.
The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning for Health: The Hanged Man indicates the need for surrender and gaining a new perspective on health. Let go of old patterns, be open to different wellness approaches, and trust in the body's natural ability to heal. Embrace a holistic viewpoint on well-being.
The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning for Spirituality: Approach spirituality with surrender and a willingness to gain a new perspective. Let go of rigid beliefs, be open to different practices, and trust in the divine flow. Embrace the unknown and surrender to spiritual growth.
Actions to Take if You Have Drawn The Hanged Man:
Surrender to the flow of life.
Release control and resistance.
Seek new perspectives and gain a fresh outlook.
Embrace the unknown and trust in transformation.
Be open to change and different viewpoints.
The Hanged Man Tarot as a Person: The Hanged Man embodies surrender, gaining new perspectives, and openness to change. They offer unique insights and transformative experiences.
The Hanged Man Tarot as Feelings: When The Hanged Man represents feelings, it signifies surrender, openness, and gaining new perspectives. Individuals approach relationships and situations with a willingness to let go and see things differently. They value growth and transformation.
The Hanged Man and Its Meaning for You and Your Pet: The Hanged Man emphasizes surrender and gaining a new perspective in your relationship with your pet. Be open to understanding their needs differently, let go of control, and trust in the flow of connection.
The Hanged Man Meaning from a Feminist's Point of View: From a feminist perspective, The Hanged Man represents the empowerment of surrender, letting go of societal expectations, and gaining new perspectives. It encourages individuals to release control and seek alternative viewpoints.
A Non-Serious Fun Meaning for The Hanged Man: In a lighthearted sense, The Hanged Man can be seen as a reminder to try an upside-down yoga pose or experiment with different ways of looking at things. Embrace the playful side of surrender and gain a fresh perspective.
The Hanged Man Tarot: Does it Mean Yes or No? The Hanged Man doesn't provide a straightforward yes or no answer. It represents surrender, gaining new perspectives, and embracing change. Consider these qualities when seeking guidance and making decisions.
'The Hanged Man' Tarot Combinations
Combining two Tarot cards can offer nuanced interpretations that blend the energies and meanings of the individual cards. Here are the combined meanings for each pair of cards that include 'The Hanged Man' tarot card:
Here are the combined Tarot meanings for The Hanged Man with each of the major arcana cards:
The Hanged Man and The Fool Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination suggests a period of introspection and unconventional choices. It may indicate a need to take a unique path or approach to a situation, even if it seems risky or unorthodox.
The Hanged Man and The Magician Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with The Magician, it suggests a time of spiritual transformation and self-discovery. You have the power to manifest your desires, but it requires a change in perspective and a deeper understanding of your inner self.
The Hanged Man and The High Priestess Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing indicates a deep and intuitive contemplation. It encourages you to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, even if it leads you to pause or delay before taking action.
The Hanged Man and The Empress Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with The Empress, it suggests a need for patience and nurturing. It may indicate a situation where you must wait for the right conditions to bear fruit or a creative project to come to fruition.
The Hanged Man and The Emperor Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination suggests a period of surrender and letting go of control, especially in situations where authority and power are at play. It encourages you to release your need for dominance and seek a new perspective.
The Hanged Man and The Hierophant Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with The Hierophant, it signifies a spiritual awakening and a willingness to question traditional beliefs. It suggests a time of exploring your own spiritual path and values.
The Hanged Man and The Lovers Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination can indicate a period of self-reflection on matters of love and relationships. It may suggest a need to make a choice or decision after a period of contemplation and inner exploration.
The Hanged Man and The Chariot Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with The Chariot, it suggests a temporary suspension of progress. It may advise you to put your ambitions on hold and evaluate your direction before charging forward.
The Hanged Man and Strength Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing signifies a need for inner strength and courage during a period of surrender. It encourages you to have patience and trust in your ability to endure challenges, even when it feels like you're hanging in limbo.
The Hanged Man and The Hermit Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with The Hermit, it signifies a deep introspective journey. You may be seeking answers within and taking time for solitude and inner reflection.
The Hanged Man and Wheel of Fortune Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination suggests that you are in a state of flux, and change is inevitable. It encourages you to surrender to the cycles of life and trust that a shift in fortune is on the horizon.
The Hanged Man and Justice Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with Justice, it indicates a period of introspection and contemplation about fairness and ethical choices. It may advise you to reflect on your actions and their consequences.
The Hanged Man and Death Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing signifies a profound transformation that requires surrender and letting go of the old to make way for the new. It encourages you to embrace change and accept the natural cycles of life.
The Hanged Man and Temperance Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with Temperance, it suggests a need for balance and harmony through inner reflection. It encourages you to find a middle ground and seek a deeper understanding of your life's purpose.
The Hanged Man and The Devil Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination indicates a period of liberation from unhealthy attachments and illusions. It advises you to let go of materialism or toxic influences and embrace a new perspective.
The Hanged Man and The Tower Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with The Tower, it signifies a shocking revelation or event that forces you into a state of suspension and introspection. It encourages you to accept the upheaval as an opportunity for personal growth.
The Hanged Man and The Star Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing suggests a period of hope and inspiration arising from deep contemplation. It encourages you to have faith in your dreams and trust that your inner guidance will lead you to a brighter future.
The Hanged Man and The Moon Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with The Moon, it indicates a time of deep emotional and intuitive exploration. It advises you to navigate the realms of the subconscious and embrace the mysteries of your inner world.
The Hanged Man and The Sun Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination signifies a period of enlightenment and self-discovery. It encourages you to let go of self-doubt and embrace your true self, allowing your inner light to shine.
The Hanged Man and Judgment Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with Judgment, it suggests a need for self-evaluation and reflection before making a major decision or taking significant action. It advises you to consider your choices carefully.
The Hanged Man and The World Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing signifies a time of completion and fulfillment achieved through inner transformation. It encourages you to accept the lessons learned during your period of suspension and move forward with a newfound perspective.
Here are the combined Tarot meanings for The Hanged Man with each of the Wands cards:
The Hanged Man and Ace of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination suggests a period of introspection and self-reflection before embarking on a new creative or passionate venture. It advises you to align your desires and motivations with your deeper self before taking action.
The Hanged Man and Two of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Two of Wands, it indicates a temporary pause or delay in your plans for expansion and exploration. It encourages you to reassess your goals and seek a fresh perspective before moving forward.
The Hanged Man and Three of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing signifies a period of contemplation and anticipation regarding your long-term goals and ambitions. It advises you to patiently wait for the right moment to act and to consider the broader implications of your choices in the realm of creativity and passion.
The Hanged Man and Four of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Four of Wands, it suggests a temporary pause or delay in celebrating an achievement or a significant event related to creativity and passion. It advises you to take time to appreciate your accomplishments and reflect on your journey.
The Hanged Man and Five of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may indicate a conflict or power struggle that requires a temporary truce or period of introspection before taking action in creative or passionate pursuits. It encourages you to find a peaceful and just resolution to competitive situations.
The Hanged Man and Six of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Six of Wands, it suggests a time of self-reflection on your successes and recognition in creative or passionate endeavors. It encourages you to consider your achievements and how they align with your personal values and growth.
The Hanged Man and Seven of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing can indicate a period of reflection on your ability to defend your position and stand your ground, especially in creative or passionate pursuits. It advises you to consider the ethical aspects of your resistance and whether it aligns with your principles.
The Hanged Man and Eight of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Eight of Wands, it suggests a momentary delay in swift progress and communication in creative or passionate areas. It encourages you to review your goals and messages carefully before taking action.
The Hanged Man and Nine of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination signifies a need to pause and recharge after a period of endurance and perseverance in creative or passionate endeavors. It advises you to assess your defenses and priorities before continuing your creative or passionate journey.
The Hanged Man and Ten of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Ten of Wands, it indicates a temporary suspension of carrying a heavy burden related to creative or passionate pursuits. It advises you to evaluate the responsibilities you are shouldering and consider whether you need to lighten your load to regain enthusiasm.
The Hanged Man and Page of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may suggest that a young and enthusiastic individual is taking a moment to reflect on their creative and passionate pursuits. It encourages them to consider their goals and the ethical aspects of their ambitions.
The Hanged Man and Knight of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Knight of Wands, it signifies a pause in the pursuit of passionate desires and creative endeavors. It encourages the Knight to assess the ethical implications of their actions before charging forward.
The Hanged Man and Queen of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing can indicate a period of introspection and reflection for a strong and dynamic individual, particularly in creative or passionate matters. It encourages the Queen to consider her creative and passionate endeavors with a deeper sense of purpose and ethics.
The Hanged Man and King of Wands Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the King of Wands, it suggests a time for the King to contemplate his leadership and vision in the realm of creativity and passion. It encourages him to assess the ethical implications of his actions and decisions.
Here are the combined meanings for The Hanged Man with each of the Cups cards:
The Hanged Man and Ace of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination suggests a period of deep emotional reflection and self-examination. It encourages you to consider your true feelings and emotional needs before starting a new emotional journey.
The Hanged Man and Two of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Two of Cups, it indicates a temporary pause or delay in a loving and harmonious relationship. It encourages you to reflect on your emotional connections and seek a deeper understanding of your partner.
The Hanged Man and Three of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing signifies a moment of introspection before celebrating joy, friendship, and emotional connection. It advises you to appreciate the emotional bonds in your life and to reflect on the significance of your relationships.
The Hanged Man and Four of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Four of Cups, it suggests a time of contemplation and introspection on your emotional well-being. It encourages you to reevaluate your feelings and consider whether you're missing an emotional opportunity.
The Hanged Man and Five of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may indicate a period of deep sadness and disappointment that requires introspection and healing. It encourages you to confront your emotional pain and seek a path to emotional recovery.
The Hanged Man and Six of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Six of Cups, it suggests a time for revisiting the past and reflecting on childhood memories or past relationships. It encourages you to reconnect with the innocence and joy of youth.
The Hanged Man and Seven of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing can indicate a period of emotional confusion and uncertainty. It advises you to take a step back to gain clarity and make choices based on your true emotional desires.
The Hanged Man and Eight of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Eight of Cups, it signifies a temporary withdrawal from an emotional situation or relationship. It encourages you to reflect on your need for emotional fulfillment and whether it's time to move on.
The Hanged Man and Nine of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may suggest a time of reflection and gratitude for the emotional abundance and contentment in your life. It encourages you to acknowledge your emotional blessings and share your happiness with others.
The Hanged Man and Ten of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Ten of Cups, it suggests a period of reflection on family and emotional harmony. It encourages you to appreciate the love and happiness you share with your loved ones.
The Hanged Man and Page of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may indicate that a young and emotionally sensitive individual is taking a moment to reflect on their feelings and creative pursuits. It encourages the Page to seek a deeper understanding of their emotions.
The Hanged Man and Knight of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Knight of Cups, it signifies a pause in the pursuit of romantic and emotional desires. It encourages the Knight to reflect on the ethical aspects of his actions and consider his true emotional intentions.
The Hanged Man and Queen of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing can indicate a period of introspection and emotional depth for a nurturing and intuitive individual. It encourages the Queen to reflect on her emotional wisdom and consider her role in supporting others emotionally.
The Hanged Man and King of Cups Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the King of Cups, it suggests a time for the King to contemplate his emotional leadership and empathy. It encourages him to assess the ethical implications of his emotional decisions and actions.
Here are the combined meanings for The Hanged Man with each of the Swords cards:
The Hanged Man and Ace of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination suggests a period of deep contemplation and introspection before taking action to gain mental clarity and insight. It encourages you to consider your thoughts and ideas carefully.
The Hanged Man and Two of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Two of Swords, it indicates a temporary standstill or decision-making process. It encourages you to reflect on a difficult choice and seek a new perspective before making a decision.
The Hanged Man and Three of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing may suggest a time of reflection on emotional pain and heartache. It encourages you to confront and heal from past emotional wounds before moving forward with clarity and understanding.
The Hanged Man and Four of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Four of Swords, it signifies a period of rest, relaxation, and recovery after a challenging mental or physical ordeal. It encourages you to take the time to heal and gain a fresh perspective.
The Hanged Man and Five of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may indicate a need to step back and reconsider a conflict or dispute. It advises you to reflect on your actions and motivations, seeking a more just and ethical resolution.
The Hanged Man and Six of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Six of Swords, it suggests a journey of transition and mental healing. It encourages you to reflect on your emotional baggage and seek a peaceful and harmonious mental state.
The Hanged Man and Seven of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing can indicate a period of introspection on deceit and deception. It advises you to reflect on your own actions and intentions, considering the ethical aspects of your choices.
The Hanged Man and Eight of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Eight of Swords, it signifies a moment of feeling mentally trapped and powerless. It encourages you to reflect on your perceived limitations and seek a new perspective to free yourself from mental constraints.
The Hanged Man and Nine of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may suggest a period of anxiety and inner turmoil. It encourages you to reflect on the root causes of your distress and seek a path to mental peace and relief.
The Hanged Man and Ten of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Ten of Swords, it indicates a moment of profound transformation after a period of crisis. It encourages you to reflect on the lessons learned and seek new insights as you move beyond the difficulties.
The Hanged Man and Page of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may suggest that a young and curious individual is taking a moment to reflect on their thoughts and communication. It encourages the Page to consider the ethics of their words and ideas.
The Hanged Man and Knight of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Knight of Swords, it suggests a pause in the pursuit of mental clarity and truth. It encourages the Knight to reflect on the ethical implications of their actions and decisions.
The Hanged Man and Queen of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing can indicate a period of introspection and mental strength for a perceptive and assertive individual. It encourages the Queen to reflect on her wisdom and the ethical use of her mental faculties.
The Hanged Man and King of Swords Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the King of Swords, it suggests a time for the King to contemplate his authority and mental acumen. It encourages him to assess the ethical implications of his decisions and actions.
Here are the combined meanings for The Hanged Man with each of the Pentacles cards:
The Hanged Man and Ace of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination suggests a period of reflection and consideration before embarking on a new financial or material venture. It encourages you to assess your resources and financial goals carefully.
The Hanged Man and Two of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Two of Pentacles, it indicates a temporary pause in balancing your material or financial responsibilities. It encourages you to reflect on your priorities and seek a more stable approach.
The Hanged Man and Three of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing signifies a time for introspection and attention to detail in your work or financial projects. It advises you to reflect on your contributions and seek excellence in your endeavors.
The Hanged Man and Four of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Four of Pentacles, it suggests a moment of reflection on issues of security and possession. It encourages you to evaluate your attachments to material things and consider whether you're holding onto them too tightly.
The Hanged Man and Five of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may indicate a period of financial hardship or loss that requires introspection and seeking a new perspective on your financial situation. It encourages you to find ways to recover and rebuild.
The Hanged Man and Six of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Six of Pentacles, it suggests a time of reflection on generosity and giving. It encourages you to consider the ethical aspects of sharing your resources and helping others.
The Hanged Man and Seven of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing can indicate a period of introspection on the progress of your financial investments or projects. It advises you to reflect on the results of your efforts and whether they align with your long-term goals.
The Hanged Man and Eight of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Eight of Pentacles, it signifies a moment of reflection on your commitment to honing your skills and craftsmanship. It encourages you to evaluate the ethical aspects of your work and dedication.
The Hanged Man and Nine of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may suggest a time of introspection and appreciation for your financial independence and self-sufficiency. It encourages you to reflect on your personal achievements and material comfort.
The Hanged Man and Ten of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Ten of Pentacles, it indicates a period of reflection on family, legacy, and ancestral wealth. It encourages you to appreciate the value of family and the ethical aspects of your legacy.
The Hanged Man and Page of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: This combination may suggest that a young and studious individual is taking a moment to reflect on their practical and financial goals. It encourages the Page to consider the ethical aspects of their ambitions.
The Hanged Man and Knight of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the Knight of Pentacles, it signifies a pause in the pursuit of material or financial ambitions. It encourages the Knight to reflect on the ethical implications of their actions and decisions.
The Hanged Man and Queen of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: This pairing can indicate a period of introspection and nurturing for a practical and resourceful individual. It encourages the Queen to reflect on her financial wisdom and the ethical use of her resources.
The Hanged Man and King of Pentacles Combined Tarot Meaning: When The Hanged Man combines with the King of Pentacles, it suggests a time for the King to contemplate his financial leadership and responsibilities. It encourages him to assess the ethical implications of his decisions and actions in matters of wealth and resources.