​The Knight of Wands often signifies the arrival of a dashing passionate new Love interest. How can you know whether you have a Keeper or a Weeper? What will be the Fate of the Relationship? For a more in-depth examination of what a Knight of Wands might mean for Love-Based questions, as 2-card Combinations, and within a Celtic Cross Spread.. AND what actions you might take to help 'that love along' - please read the rest of this page.
Knight of Wands Meaning Aide-Memoire for Beginners:
Picture a knight wielding a wand... charging towards a hare/rabbit... which itself is charging after a tortoise long in the distance. Then you will be reminded of the "The Tortoise and the Hare" Aesop Fable. This fable is a very simplified analogy of the Knight of Wands. The Knight is capable and enthusiastic, but often loses their enthusiasm, and fails to complete the project, achieve the goal, or stay the romance.
The Knight of Wands within the Tarot Deck: Knight of Wands (or Knight of Batons) is a card used in Latin suited playing cards which include tarot decks. It is part of what tarot card readers call the "Minor Arcana". Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play tarot card games and make divinative predictions. This article focuses on the Knight of Wands meanings in the theatre of Love. Knight of Wands Tarot Card Picture: The knight of wands is commonly illustrated (especially in the commonly used 'Rider Waite' Tarot Deck), as a youthful romantic mounted knight (knight on horseback) holding a wand. In many such images the knight is wearing armor. The wand varies in interpretation. Often it is shown as a branch (with sprouting buds), sometimes as a spear or jousting lance, and occasionally as an actual staff or wand that a wizard might carry. The Knight is often shown to be charging forward (or rearing up), his face full of eager determination, his helmet's plumes (and horse's trimmings) colorful, romantic and bold.
Knight of Wands General Meaning in Relation to other Tarot Cards: Whereas the Page of Wands symbolizes inspiration and the urge to complete some goal, task or action... the Knight of Wands indicates the actual pursuit of that goal. This card indicates someone charging into action with energy, daring and strong feelings. It can represent the early stages of an endeavour when all hopes are positive, everyone's energies are high, and success seems certain to one of determination and conviction. As often the case with youthful pursuit of something, it can also mean a certain sense of recklessness, gung-ho lack of preparation.
Whereas the Queen and King of Wands can indicate a certain maturity and steadfastness, the Knight of Wands can hint at a 'hare' approach. We have all heard of the 'tortoise and the hare' Aseop fable, where the two creatures compete in a race. The hare with all its vigour and energy rushes off the starting blocks, almost certain to win the race, as its speeds away from the poor tortoise. But... possessing a lack of physical and mental stamina the hare, for all its abilities, soon loses its motivation and carelessly stops to rest, both literally and 'on its laurels'. The hare has so much ability, determination and vigour that after a while it grows tired of the race, too lazy to continue, perhaps bored with the ease of winning, maybe just complacent in its ability. Of course, the Hare loses.
The Knight of Wands pursuit of its aims can sometimes mirror that of the 'Hare' in Aesops fables. It can give up a goal it seemed certain of attaining, because of boredom, complacency, or just plain laziness.
Does the Knight of Wands in a Tarot Reading Have a Positive Meaning? Well, like all the cards, it depends partly on the question you posed the Tarot. If you ask that Tarot whether you have the strength to start some project or aim for a goal... then yes.. this card is telling you will have all the positive emotions, ideas and determination you need to begin a project. If you are asking whether you could succeed at a goal or project... the card is telling you that you will start very strongly, but would need to be careful of 'going in' too recklessly and without plans, and perhaps run the risk of losing interest or motivation as the project continues. If you ask the cards about your current life situation... the Knight of Wands might indicate that your life is about to enter a period or energy, change and action... but to not worry because the situation will not necessarily last.
What Might a Knight of Wands Mean for You in Relation to Love? The Knight of Wands meaning can depend a lot on the questions asked of the Tarot. At its basic level the Knight of Wands indicates a strong virile young man holding a 'wand'. There are strong sexual connotations. In terms of relationships and love, the Knight of Wands can signify a warning not to rush into things, or that linking up with a new person will lead to a rush of early love but later boredom or tiredness.
Depending on the exact nature of the love question asked, the Knight of Wand Tarot Meaning might mean:
You will meet a virile stud soon.
You will have a holiday romance.
You should not rush into a romance with the person you have in mind, but take it carefully, if you wish success.
Be careful not to take for granted the one you are with, for then you might lose interest, become bored, and ruin the relationship.
Your new boyfriend will be good in bed, at first, but might not last long
Your new boyfriend will pursue you strongly and romantically, at first, but may look to other pastures if you allow him to get bored
Your current lover might be fantastic for you now, but might not be long term material.
That you will find a new boyfriend who you will initially gush over... but in time lose interest for.
What Revealing a Knight of Wands Tarot Card in a Tarot Reading might mean for Specific 'Love' Based Questions:
What Can You Tell Me About My Relationship With My Partner? The Knight of Wands drawn in a Tarot Reading, for such a question, would suggest that your relationship is strong, fun, and full of passion, but runs the risk losing steam over time. You both might feel you are becoming tied down, and losing your sense of individual freedom. One or both of you might be prone to impulsive actions that could upset the other.
Where is My Relationship with My Partner Heading? This question is similar to the one above, but more focussed on the future than the now. The meaning of a Knight of Wands here, would suggest there is a definite risk of the relationship growing weaker over time, and interest waning, possibly from both of you. You will have to work at keeping your relationship fresh and not becoming too controlling with each other. Yet in your quest for new experiences and fun, not taking reckless actions that could be viewed very negatively by the other party.
Will My Partner Be Loyal and Faithful to Me? This question is similar to the one above, but focuses on your partner. The Knight of Wands here would suggest that though your partner is enthusiastic and committed now, there is the chance that in the medium to long term that interest will wane, and with it there will be an increased risk of unfaithfulness. Your partner seeks freedom, new challenges, and can be fickle. To keep them loyal to you, you would need to continually keep things ‘fresh’ for your partner. Don’t give them too many rules; don’t try to control them.
What Am I Doing Wrong in My Search For Love? Drawing a Knight of Wands Tarot Card here would indicate that it is you who enters relationships full of passion, but then lose interest over time. It is you who starts to take your partner for granted and not make the effort required to sustain a relationship. You need to ask yourself why that is? Do you initially pick partners impulsively, based on more superficial considerations? Perhaps you recklessly hitch up when drunk at parties? Do you expect too much of others? Do you expect too much of relationships? Is there some other ‘gap’ in your life that you hope a partner will fill, but they don’t?
Will I Meet My Soulmate Soon? A Knight of Wands here would indicate that your next relationship will be the result of an impulse to act, likely be full of energy, passion and fun, but less likely to be the ‘one’. Enjoy the freedom and fun of the next relationship, but don’t pin too many hopes on it.
Will He Call or Contact Me? If he's on the 'chase', and the relationship is new, then yes, certainly. It's when you are settled and together the Knight of Wand's interest may wane.
Is He Serious About Me? A Knight of Wands in a Tarot Reading, for this question, would mean he’s very serious about you and very committed and enthusiastic, but in the short term. He’s not necessarily a ‘stayer’. In a few months time they might be very committed and passionate about someone else.
Am I Just the Rebound? A Knight of Wands might indicate ‘maybe’, in that your new partner is not going with you, simply because they want to be with ‘someone’ after their long-term relationship ended. They are with you because they care about you strongly and are enthusiastic about where the relationship could go, with you. However, the Knight of Wands indicates that that passion and fervour could diminish in the medium to long term, possibly indicating that your ‘partner’ only entered a relationship with you on impulse.
How Does He/she Feel About Me? Is He/She The One? The meaning of a Knight of Wands Tarot Card here would indicate he /she is the ‘one’ for the present. The will satisfy all your dreams and wishes. However, it doesn’t mean to say they will continue to do so into the medium and longer term. The Knight of Wands might not see you as their forever soulmate, they might be too impulsive and unreliable for you.
What Will Happen if I Go Back to My Ex? Drawing a Knight of Wands to this question, would indicate that initially the romance/passion will blossom and thrive, just as you hoped. But after the initial flush of re-kindled romance, enthusiasm could wane again – quite likely for the same reasons it waned before. It would be a reckless decision to go back to your Ex for any reason other than a short term fling.
Do you Need a Professional Tarot Card Reading? You must consider very carefully the question you had in mind when using the tarot, to understand the exact relevance of a Knight of Wands to your situation. For a Video Tarot Card Reading we would recommend you consulting one of the reputable tarot/psychic reading companies recommended on our website – to gain an understanding of your situation from an expert experienced Tarot Card Reader. For a truly unique Email Tarot Reading... we would of course recommend our own service, which include 'actionable suggestions' to help you try to steer fate.
Meaning of a Knight of Wands Tarot Card, in a Celtic Cross when the Question Relates to Love & Relationships: The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread is one of the most commonly used spreads by Tarot readers. Each Card Position in the Celtic Cross Pattern signifies a different meaning. The position in the pattern where the Knight of Wand is drawn will influence what the Tarot is trying to tell you about Love:
Knight of Wands in Card 1 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: The present: This card represents what’s happening to the querent in the present moment. The Knight of Wands Card here would mean that you are full of enthusiasm for a love or relationship, but you could be acting impulsively and need to stop and consider whether you are on the correct path. Knight of Wands in Card 2 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: The Challenge: This card represents the challenge you face. A Knight of Wands here, would indicate that you are prone to act impulsively, perhaps take on the wrong romances or relationships, and might have more initial enthusiasm than long term staying power. Knight of Wands in Card 3 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: The Past: This card represents events that led up to the present situation. The meaning of the Knight of Wands card here would suggest that you acted spontaneous and quickly (perhaps even recklessly) to reach where you are now. Knight of Wands in Card 4 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: The Future: This card indicates what is likely to occur in the near future (weeks or months). It doesn’t reflect the final stage of the journey. The Knight of Wands here would suggests that it would be good for you to act boldly, to take some risks (perhaps ask that person for a date) and success will be assured as long as you stay the course and do not become bored. Knight of Wands in Card 5 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: Above: This card represents your best outcomes or goals. A knight of Wands produced in this part of the Tarot Reading would mean early success and happiness based on following your impulses. Knight of Wands in Card 6 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: Below: This card represents your inner subconscious. It can indicate what is truly driving you, the querent. A Knight of Wands here indicates that subconsciously you, ‘The Knight’, likes freedom and adventure. You can be enthusiastic in a relationship but bore easily. You can be capable of great romance, but can also be impulsive at times. Knight of Wands in Card 7 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: Advice: The Knight of Wands would advise that you be bold about what you are contemplating. You have the energy, you have the means. Take a chance. Do it. Ask that person for a date or ask for their hand in marriage - but then stick with then try hard to stay loyal to that person because there will be temptations to stray. Knight of Wands in Card 8 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: External Influences: The Knight of Wands Tarot Card here means the people or events that will shape the outcomes of your question – and are beyond your control. It might be a reckless person who is interfering in your plans, it could be a surge of new romantic offers, or a brave ‘knight’ coming to your rescue with flowers. Knight of Wands in Card 9 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: Hopes and/or Fears: A Knight of Wands here signifies that you hope a romance or relationship will flourish. You have high hopes for success... but deep down you fear that you have not thought things through thoroughly and you are acting impulsively. Knight of Wands in Card 10 Position of the Celtic Cross Spread: Outcome: The Knight of Wands indicates you will probably start a new relationship or romance, as the result of some impulse. This might involve travel or adventure. It indicates confidence and early success in whatever you are contemplating, if you are prepared to take risks.
Meaning of Knight of Wands Tarot Card Combinations, when the Tarot Reading has Love & Relationship Questions:
note: As there are various possible meanings, depending on the exact nature of the question... answers given here are purely examples, to provide further inspiration for your own situation.
Major Arcana:
Knight of Wands and the Fool Combination: These cards drawn together, with a Love/Relationship based question, can indicate a new relationship, or a new beginning in an existing relationship, perhaps based on impulsive actions from one of the partners. There will be early happiness, lots of passion and energy, a romance so heady you won’t really know what you are doing. Possibly there will be a tendency to complacency over the long term. More
Knight of Wands and the Magician Tarot Combinations: These two cards can suggest that one person has the determination and willpower to succeed in making a relationship with another. It might suggest that unrelenting wooing will lead to a date, or determined positivism can turn around a struggling relationship. However, there is a suggestion of impulsive and recklessness. The pursuer should be careful not to cross the line into unreasonable behaviour (like stalking), and once the relationship has been won there is the possibility that the former chaser will grow bored and complacent. More
Knight of Wands and The High Priestess Combination: Impulsiveness and Intuitive Wisdom merge together, so that for once, The Knights actions are less likely to be reckless, but deeply intuitively impulsively correct. That love/relationship can happen. It will be the right move to just ask someone out, or bend down on the knee and to present a ring. If the Knight of Wands is the bold courageous adventurer, moving forward half-blinded – the High Priestess gives him full and clear vision. More
Knight of Wands and The Empress Two Card Combinations: This car pairing could refer to a fertile adventurous romance seeking woman. Or it could refer to one person charging in, impulsively, on the hunt for romance and love... and getting it all. The Empress here representing the Knight being successful in his hasty pursuit of love and gaining it all, the trophy partner he has hoped for. Unusually, here the risk of the romance or love not lasting the long term is quashed. The Knight will get what he seeks and more. Romance yes? Love yes too, but even more... marriage, babies and more. More
Knight of Wands and The Emperor: The combination of these two cards can indicate one person hastily pursues the other, romantically, with a high chance of success. But, amongst the fun and passion there is the danger that the pursuer or the pursued will try to control the relationship, leading to problems. More
Knight of Wands and The Hierophant Combination Meaning: Drawn together, the Knight of Wands and the Hierophant could symbolize one person’s energetic chasing of another romantically, and the issues that ensure because the romantic pursuer runs into blockages caused by tradition and conformity. So, it could be that the pursuer derives from a different cultural background than their romantic interest, and in their bold pursuit the wooer of love trips some unknown boundaries. Or it could mean that the pursued is very traditional and does not appreciate the impulsive rash ways the pursuer is trying to woo their love interest. For example what would a strict church going family think of a rocker playing a love song on his electric guitar outside of the house. More
Knight of Wands and The Lovers Meaning: The impulsive, charging, often not loyal partner, Knight of Wands, has finally met his true love. For once he will not rush into a relationship, take what he wants, and then grow bored and leave. Rather, he will rush in, and be endlessly captivated by a perfect relationship. More
Knight of Wands and The Chariot Combination Tarot Meaning: The courageous but hasty pursuit of love that is the Knight of Wands, will tempered with the inward control and strong planning of the Chariot. So the impulse to act will be there, but tempered by an iron will to only follow through with actions that have been thought through. The closest parallel might be an actor that is fantastic at improvisation. S/He will follow the main script, but where appropriate will add his own touches, especially in clever response to the unexpected. Success in romance or Love will come when one follows a well thought plan, diverting only when strictly appropriate to the situation. More
Knight of Wands and Strength Combination: The Strength card is all about controlling the forces of passion and desire, via compassion and strength of character. In Love and Relationships it indicates the headstrong pursuit of love, symbolized by the Knight, perfectly contained and channelled by the Strength card. It will mean one person will desire and pursue another impulsively and passionately, but yet always be aware of the dangers of going too far, of being too reckless. Because of this compassion in the heat of desire, success is almost always assured, both in the short term, and the long. More
Knight of Wands and The Hermit Combination: The hotheaded Knight of Wands will restlessly pursue the current romantic desire of his life. Will he succeed in captivating his love? Maybe, maybe not, but the chase will be worthwhile for it will develop his character and wisdom in a positive way. For the Knight it will be better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all. More
Knight of Wands and the Wheel of Fortune Combination With the eager bold pursuit of romance that the Knight of Wands lends itself to, allied with the Wheel of Fortune encouraging you to take an opportunity or ride your luck, this card combination bodes well for love and romance questions (at least in the early days of the romance). Should you ask that question, or woo that person? Yes, be bold, fearless, and ride your luck, because the results will be positive. More
Knight of Wands and The Justice Card Combination This 2 card combination, drawn as part of a love or relationship question, indicates that the bold reckless pursuit of passion will win out, you/they will gain that partner/lover, and there will be adventure and romance. However, the Justice card tells you that future circumstances will be the result of actions taken now... and one must be sure those actions are the correct ones. The sought after lover will be pursued and won... but is that lover really the ideal partner? Is that the relationship you/they really want? Think about it. More
What Does Knight of Wands and The Hanged Man Combination Mean? This particular combination can mean that rushing in boldly in pursuit of love and/or romance will probably lead to success, though you will have to sacrifice something to achieve that success. The sacrifice isn’t wasted because the love/relationship is attained... but sacrifice it will still be, and something will be lost in the process. In a simple sense this combination can also mean that though there is a desire to pursue love quickly and recklessly, by delaying (a sacrifice of time) the best ideas will arrive on how to bring lasting relationship happiness. More
What does Knight of Wands and Death Tarot Card Combo Mean? These two cards together indicate that a bold adventurous pursuit of a relationship or lover will lead to the end of one cycle or life, and the opening of a completely new chapter of your life. Realizing you are entering a totally new chapter of your life might be scary... but embrace it. More
What Does Knight of Wands and Temperance Tarot Combination Mean? The Knight of Wands is the gallant romantic, chasing off boldly in pursuit of love, romance and more. The Knight can often be successful in his fearless pursuit, but sometimes he can act too rashly, make poor decisions. The Temperance Tarot card in this context is telling the Knight to avoid excess, don’t let the urge for haste and rashness become overwhelming. Keep some measure of balance in your pursuit of love and relationships and success is more likely to follow. More
What Does the Knight of Wands and the Devil Tarot Card Combination Mean? Both these cards indicate a person that chases Love, Romance (and More) with intentions that are possibly more shorter term, than longer term. This card combination can indicate that a person is feeling empty, addicted to the chase of love, romance and/or sex, and seeks these things endlessly, but is not completely fulfilled when they are obtained (and so possibly seeks them again). This combination does not bode well for the ‘object’ of the romantic chase, or for hopes of a long term relationship. More
The Knight of Wands and the Tower Meaning: The tower implies that big ground-breaking change is coming. One might have to abandon truths that one had always known, in search of new truths that work for you. In terms of Love and Relationships, especially in terms of viewing the potential of a new partner or chances of success with a new mate, what does this mean? The Knight of Wands indicates boldness and fearlessness, taking action for success, with a care to not be rash. The combination of these cards indicates that a upheaval will come as a result of pursuit of love/romance. Possibly the target of one’s affections will rebuff you firmly, and in the emotional upheaval that follows, in your inner quest for meaning/understanding you realize an entirely different person is the one most suitable for you. For you to achieve the partner you deserve, you may need to be bold, and fail, to gain the new insight into who is most suited to you. More
The Knight of wands and the Star Tarot Combination: This is a positive card combination for love, romance and sex! The bold charming Knight of Wands tells you to be daring and trust your instincts in making moves on the person of your desire. The Star is all about keeping faith, and allowing the universe to bless you with all that you need, and it will. More
The Knight of Wands and Moon Combination: The knight of Wands indicates a pursuit of a lover or relationship should be bold and courageous, but it also warns of reckless or careless behaviour. The moon amplifies the danger, and the need for close attention to your actions for there is a close line between the correct path/strategy and one that is incorrect or dangerous. You are on a tightrope, with your prize on the other end. To achieve that prize walk fast and bold... but don’t lose your balance. More
The Knight of Wands and Sun Meaning: The Knight of Wands can signify a fast and furious, rather than a deep relationship. The Sun placed alongside indicates that all well be well in this relationship – and joy it will bring joy to both. More
The Knight of Wands and Judgement Combination: The Knight of Wands moves fast, indicates success by action, but warns against being hasty. The Judgement indicates one is coming close to a significant juncture in one’s life and reflection is required. Both cards are positive, and can indicate success in love, romance and relationships. However, the Knight of Wands warns against haste, and the Judgment amplifies this message by warning that self-reflection is vital in choosing the direction of any new phase of life. Love, romance and relationships will have good fortune if one moves boldly after self-reflection of one’s motives and needs. More
The Knight of Wands and the World Tarot Combination: The Knight of Wands can often seek romance, love and relationships (even just sex), but isn’t always interested in anything long-term. However, the World symbolizes an ever-changing, dynamic and eternal fulfilment and balance. The two together can suggest that the constant changing fulfilment provided by the World card, can keep even the restless Knight of Wands from straying. More
Is the Knight in Wands Love Predictions Predetermined and Inevitable? No. Remember first that you need to try to understand what the card might be telling you 'in the context of your exact question'. But also, understand that the Tarot's prediction gives you an indication of 'what could happen', and by giving you this foreknowledge helps you manifest or prevent that outcome depending on your desires.
So, for instance. You are at the flirting stage of a relationship, but have not dated yet, and you ask the tarot, 'If I start a relationship with this person, will I find true love?' The Knight of Wands card, for this question, would suggest that it could be good to take action and ask this person on a date. That there will be a romance will be full of energy, enthusiasm and attraction and fun, at first, a typical 'whirlwind romance'. But the card might be warning you that the romance might soon dwindle if taken for granted or certain issues not taken seriously. Whether it would be you that might lose interest in him/her or whether he/she risks losing interest in you, really requires an experienced tarot reader to understand the 'Knight of Wands' meaning in the context of the exact question you ask (which the tarot reader could help you frame), and set against the meaning of the other cards drawn in the spread.
In summary though, the card doesn't tell you a future that will occur... but rather arms you with the knowledge of one possible path.
Action you can take if a Knight of Wands card has been dealt: A tarot spread indicates possibilities, not definite outcomes. Knowledge of possibilities arms you with the ability to change the direction of your future. You: If the Knight of Wands represents you, in the present or future, then there is a danger that you will grow complacent and/or lose interest in a goal or love interest. You do not persevere. Do you have a problem staying motivated? Do you know what researchers have discovered is the ‘one thing’ that will most likely make you stick to your goals? The answer is written Intention. Each week write down a realistic plan of what actions you will take to move towards a goal (or to keep a relationship strong). This action alone can increase the chances of you not giving up from 38% to 91%!!! The Other: The Knight of Wands might have referred to another person. It might have been drawn to represent someone you are attracted to, or whose commitment you question. Generally a Knight of Wands does not portend a long-term relationship. However these extra tips (based on scientific research) might help you decide whether the target of your romantic interests will be a 'stayer' or a 'player'. (1) College graduates are most ready to commit when they are aged between 28 and 33. (2) Men ready to commit are less likely to hang out in ‘singles’ places. (3) If he doesn’t commit to you within 6 months, it is less likely he will. (4) If you meet a man in his forties who tells you he’s eager to have a son so he can do those 'male-bonding things' – are very likely to commit. (5) Men in their late thirties and early forties who had given up on the idea of marrying because they lacked one of three things- 'looks, height, or social skills' are liable to commit, but their lack of confidence might require you to do the asking. Plus...4 other tips that we would mention if you took our Email Tarot Reading (and a Knight of Wands was relevant to the reading).
Knight of Wands Reversed – Love Meaning: Whereas a Knight of Wands Upright means early success and putting ideas into action (perhaps recklessly). The reversed Knight of Wands indicates early frustrations, early obstacles, early delays and possible warnings for you to no initiate a project. Such blockages could lead to frustration for you, and possible further reckless behaviour. The Knight of Wands is after all a brave reckless Knight when things are going well or ill.
Again, What the Knight of Wands Reverse means, in terms of love and relationships, depends entirely on the exact nature of the question you posed the Tarot, and the point in the spread where they turn up.
The Tarot might be suggesting that you should start a romance, but the route to initiate dating a certain person is blocked. Or it might suggest that someone has a wild romantic interest in you, that is just too intense, and you should provide the caution, the blockage, to prevent things spiralling out of control.
Knight of Wands Key Themes: Positive: Energy, Passion, Lust, Action, Adventure, Early Success, Early Determination, Starting Projects, Putting Ideas into Action, High Confidence, opportunity, brave Negative: Impulsiveness, Recklessness, Hasty, Later Complacency, Poor Staying Power, Over Confidence, act first think later, Pushy, Poor Commitment